Fr 19.10.18 – Sa 20.10.18
Erazio • art practice from residual space

Kooperation des Kaskadenkondensator, der Amerbach Studios und des Ausstellungsraumes Klingental

Erazio basiert auf dem architektonischen Konzept des Residualraums (ein unbebautes Grundstück, ein vom Stadtorganismus ungenutzter Ort) in Analogie zu zeitgenössischen künstlerischen Praktiken.

Sich distanzierend von den klassischen Disziplinen der Kunst oder von der Ausrichtung nach dem Kunstmarkt, setzen sich Künstler/innen prozessorientiert mit gesellschaftlich relevanten Fragen auseinander. In verschiedenen Aktionen, wie Diskussionen, Konferenzen, Radiosendungen, Performances etc., untersuchen sie neue Formen des Kunstschaffens, wobei immer das kollektive Handeln und die Mediation im Vordergrund vor dem blossen Artefact und Ergebnis stehen. So konstruieren sie immer wieder aus ihrer Sicht des Künstlerseins heraus neue Formen von Aktivismus und Widerstand.

Fr 19.10.18 • 19:30 h
This is not Chile • Lesung mit Oscar Concha, David Romero and Eduardo Cruces (Chile)
Amerbach Studios Amerbachstr 55a, 4057 Basel

Oscar Concha is presenting his project «Imagen Familiar de Agüita de la Perdiz». The work is a photographic investigation into the history of one of the first settlements established on the 50s in the city of Concepción, called Agüita de la Perdiz. The project aims to address both the memory and identity of this community by archiving family's photographs and having conversations with the people. David Romero is presenting a lecture concerning his research «Out of The Machinery».

David comes from a small city in southern Chile called Tomé. The city gained importance during the 19th and 20th centuries since it was one of the first industrialized cities in the country due to the presence of large textile factories. The lecture reflects on post-industrial imaginaries including video and archives.

Eduardo Cruces is presenting a lecture-performance concerning his trips around mining areas, transit zones, deindustrialized villages and reconversion models between the years 2011 and 2018. The stories come from different cities and villages in Switzerland, Belgium, Australia, Bolivia, Turkey, Germany, and Spain. His lecture-performance combines a series of anecdotes, official history, and extracts of novels by different authors who wrote about these places

Sa 20.10.18 • 19h
This is not Chile • Release der Publikation «Arte y Desindustria and Atlas»
mit der kulinarischen Aktion Sombremesa, Natacha de Cortillas
Amerbach Studios Amerbachstr 55a, 4057 Basel

Arte y Desindustrialización: This book is the result of a public meeting held this year in Tomé, Chile, where a series of independent researchers, academics and activists met. This edition contains critical texts, images and graphic essays alluding to the theme of deindustrialization and linked to social transformation.

Atlas: Published by the Mesa8 collective based in the Province of Concepción, it gathers a series of images that connect the deindustrialization plan of Tomé in Chile, a city with a textile industrial past, and its global syntonies.

Sobremesa, Culinary Action: Artistic production that dialogues between culinary actions and interventions from the visual arts, articulating local production systems, free fairs and culinary identity. Claiming a community and collaborative exercise as the axis of artistic work. The meal from the action will be free, just bring some drinks !